Like many schools, the grounds crew at RHAM Highschool was short staffed for years. Their team was able to perform some of the basic outdoor upkeep of the property, including mowing of the grounds and sports fields, but they were not able to take care of the landscape beds. The property became overgrown and looked run down. Because the school does not allow herbicides on the property, getting rid of unwanted vegetation is required weekly. Responsibilities inside the school were taking priority over the important details of the outside grounds.

The E.A. Quinn team created a supplemental plan for RHAM that includes 48 hours per week of service to the property from the 3rd week of April to the end of October. We have dedicated a 3-man crew that performs all tasks we previously mentioned, plus a few more. Because we are on the property weekly, we’re able to catch issues before they become major problems and offer help when needed. We are also able to adjust our schedule based on events such as sports or graduation.

Tasks we perform:

  1. Weed whacking (the building foundations, fence lines and curb lines, and cracks in parking lot)
  2. Weeding (includes beds and poison ivy removal)
  3. Edging beds (2 times per season)
  4. Mulching (all plant beds)
  5. Pruning (all shrubs 2 times per season)
  6. Removal of vines from fence lines
  7. Keep wood line encroachment at bay
  8. Cut back brush near retention ponds
  9. Edging and weeding warning tracks on ball fields
  10. Assisting in line painting of sports fields

Client Testimonial

"RHAM is very lean on ground maintenance staff.

In late 2019 a decision was made to develop a partnership with E.A. Quinn. E.A. Quinn's team assists us with maintaining the grounds from snow plowing and treatment for safety all the way to the fine attention to detail in the growing season such as, edging, mulching, weeding, etc. This is a strong partnership that ultimately has developed over the years due to E. A. Quinn’s continued commitment to excellence."




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